Discussion Director - Vanessa
1. If David did not go to his Uncle Vic’s home, what do you think might happen to Lily?
First and foremost, even though David did not go to his Uncle’s Vic’s house, Lily will still with her conscience haunting her. And still, Lily might commit suicide since she cannot handle the guilt that she was carrying at that moment of her life.
2. If he did not kill Emily, do you think Greg will be the one to die? Why did you say so?
Yes, because in the first place, Greg was really the target of David since David saw him that he is hurting, his sister Emily under the influence of illegal drugs.
3. In your own imagination, how did David kill Emily?
David accidentally hit Emily since she intervened between David and Greg’s quarrel.
4. Do you think the suggestion of David to Lily that she would go to him when she feels guilty is helpful? Why or Why not?
Yes, because in that way Lily will not feel alone and she will realize that she is not the only one who’s committing much crime.
5. From your point of view, what will be the better action to be made for Lily?
Lily must be guided by her parents in her emotional, mental, and physical aspects. Then, she must consult a psychologist to make sure that she’s taking the right path.
Connector - Rejoice
Connector - Rejoice
I have read a certain novel entitled, “Playing Dead” by Lindsay Manacotta. I find this novel as a little bit related to the novel, “Killer’s Cousin” in such a way that bought little children get involved in a horrible crime. In the “Killer’s Cousin”, Lily was a little girl who got involved in a crime in which her sister was the victim. In the novel, “Playing Dead”, a certain little boy also got involved in a murder in which a certain actress was the victim. The only difference was that, in “Killer’s Cousin”, Lily was the suspect- the one who really killed her sister out of curiosity and innocence. While in the on the other novel, the little boy was only accused as the killer but he just witnessed how a nice actress got killed by a terrible man.
In both novels, these two little children played an important role in making the twists and turns of the story. Who would think that a young innocent child can get involved in that horrible murder or can even kill a man despite of his/her innocence? Both novels used the presence of children in solving a terrific crime that almost caused their lives miserable.
Character Captain - Laiza Sahagun
David Yaffe
- Loving- He love Emily so much whom he was murdered by mistake.
- Denial- he had the hard time to accept that he killed Emily. He was blaming Greg as the one who did it.
- Curious- He asked every detail how, when, and why did Kathy commit suicide.
- Conscious- He was conscious about the feelings of other if they recognized him as a killer.
- Patient- though Lily was treating him so badly, he left himself understands Lily.
- Confused- He was dreaming about Emily and Kathy’s word saying “help Lily”. Also with word “powerful” stated by Lily.
- Respectful – He accepted and respected whatever his mother and father decided for his life. He also followed what his aunt and uncle told him to do about what they wanted him to do about Lily.
- Survivor – I can say that he is a survivor because he had moved on to live better though he had the history of killing.
Lily Shaughnessy
- Jealous- He wanted to be like her older sister Kathy which she killed.
- Mysterious- She spies her mother and father when they were in their bedroom and even David and Raina when they’re about to make love.
- Longing- she wanted to be loved and longing for her parent’s caress. And wanted to feel that she was accepted by her parents.
- She was making fun of David. She wins and made Qavid’s life miserable. She also treated David like not his cousin and she let him felt so scared to her.
- Weird- She acted differently she utter words to David which is really horrible for him.
- Stubborn- She trashed David’s computer.
- Pretentious- She was pretending that she is innocent about what se was doing. She’s always saying that “ I’m just a kid”.
Eileen Yaffe
- Loving- She was a loving mother to David and to her husband Stuart.
- Open- minded- She did’nt close her door for forgiveness to the conflict between her and Jillian instead she suggested for a thanksgiving dinner for that.
- Helpful- There was a time when she suggested how Kathy should lived for her own. She gave money to Kathy secretly
Jillian Shaughnessy
- Protective- She didn’t let anyone harm her daughter Lily. She disagreed the suggestion made by David to let Lily have a psychiatrist.
- Tactless- She is a kind of woman which everything she wanted to say will blurt out. Even if it would mean hurting others especially her relatives she would pursue it.
- Narrow-minded- she didn’t listen about anybody’s suggestion she will stick to hers.
- Loving- She was a loving mother to her daughters, Kathy and Lily.
- Pretentious- She just pretended of what she really felt to her husband’s situation with her.
- Self- centered- She didn’t mind the feelings of others, especially to Raina who found her place just fitted to her earning but threaten by her of suddenly kick out of the Shaughnessy house.
Vic Shaughnessy
- Loving- loving husband and father to his daughters.
- Protective- He didn’t let anyone harm his daughter l lily. He also disagreed the suggestion by David to let Lily have a psychiatrist.
Stuart Yaffe
- Neutral- He is listening not only to his family side but also to the others when there are conflicts to be solved.
- Loving- He is a loving father and husband to David and to Eileen.
- Good Lawyer- I think he is a good lawyer because he won many criminal cases.
- Firm- he was very confident in all things he will do. He never move and doubt on what he believes.
Raina Doumeng
- Beautiful- dark skinned, with a high cheekbone and a sweep of brown hair.
- Responsible- She pays her rental fee on time.
- Independent- She is living on her own without the help of anybody.
- Artistic- She was an artist, can do work such as drawing and making images on the canvass.
Frank Delgado
- Funny- He always made humorous things to David though David needs someone to talk with him seriously.
- Outcast- He sat alone in some places, walked alone and ignored by the other people.
- Weird- He cut his hair like any boys who were not accepted by the society. He did this to let people feel angry with him.Vocabulary Enricher - Bernadette Panes
- Faltered- stumbled, hesitated, stammered.
- Synagogue- congregation of Jews met to worship; Jewish place of worship.
- Twitched pulled suddenly with a slight jerk; suddenly jerked.
- Surreptitiously- secretly, secret means used to accomplish anything; concealed act.
- Attic- room under the roof of a house where ceiling follows line of the roof ( common in Greek architecture).
Artistic Adventurer - Irish Patlingrao
Passage Picker - Sherwin Tipon
- “Your punishment is to live with it.”
This passage tells me that in every violation or errors we commit there is a corresponding punishment. We have the choice to commit mistakes or not to commit so we can avoid a life full of punishments. Yes, it is really bad to suffer from the consequences of your bad deeds but you made it so you need to face it. But the hardest thing you could ever have is that your punishment is to live with it, it means that you will forever bring the sufferings and consequences of your wrong deeds until you die.
- “Do you believe in God?”
This really caught my interest because as a believer I was inquisitive to determine the answer of the person who was supposed to answer it. I was glad to figure out that the said person believed that there is God. Sometimes in life problems really made us suffer that we would even think and ask ourselves if there is really a living God. He has a purpose why we are living at this point of time so live life and love God.
- “Who are you to tell me what is right from wrong?”
I also chose this passage because it made me remember the first time I made a decision. At this age, teenage years, I can say that there are times that we can’t tell if our decisions are right or wrong.
In the said passage, Julia said to David that he don’t have the right to tell what is right from wrong. Yes maybe other people don’ have the right to tell you what is right from wrong when it comes with your own life problem but we need also to consider that other people’s opinion should be considered.
- “It’s rude to go through other people’s stuff.”
I chose this passage which was from David Yaffe when he told Lily to stop touching his things. This passage has something to do with the privacy of every person. Respecting others’ right can be reflected through avoiding going through other people’s stuff because you don’t have the right to touch it because you don’t own it unless you are given permission to do so.